Lakeview Public Art Program

湖景正在成长为芝加哥最具创意的社区之一. Home to a vibrant collection of public art, 当地人和游客都喜欢附近的标志性壁画和雕塑, cultural events, and other artistic offerings.


湖景公共艺术委员会负责确定创新艺术家,并确保资金支持在整个西湖景高度可见的地点展示公共艺术作品. 由义工组成,他们在艺术和筹款方面分享不同的经验, 委员会及其建议有助于推进联合国的使命 Friends of Lakeview是一家501(c)(3)非营利组织,也是该协会的合伙人 Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce and Special Service Area (SSA) 27.

Past installations

Lakeview Public Art Committee


Geetika Chandran


Richard Lange

Cornelia Arts Building

Jeremy Wechsler

Theater Wit

Allyson Coglianese

Chicago Transit Authority

Lynn Manilow

LMK Art Consulting

Angela Garbot

Angela Garbot Photography

Laura McMahon

The Guild

Scot Havrilla


Dr. John Reuter

Universal Wellness Source of Roscoe Village